Art Of Noise - Moments In Love (Official Video), Full HD (Digitally Remastered & Upscaled).mp3

                                                                                                                                              *praise the heavens for all the stars promised you.* 

<aside> <img src="/icons/chess-king_blue.svg" alt="/icons/chess-king_blue.svg" width="40px" /> First and Foremost, / ID

Name: Serafeim Elijah Cline

Age: 25 [ SEPT 20]

Gender: Male

Orientation: “Unconfined”

Place of Origin: PAX [ born —— WA, USA (Earth)… but we get around, don’t we?]


Equipment & Weaponry:


A syrette used in emergency situations to offset pain. Can only be used when critical HP (5) is reached, will restore the recipient to 10HP. Single use.

→ keeps a close eye on this supply - kept in a small bag.


A small, pocket-sized object that allows a player to reroll once per event.

→ a small red and white twined bracelet, complete with several (once) golden, tarnished coins, and what looks to be an eye pendant.

Weather resistant journal → Dear Diary,

Rouge → Homemade, kept in a lipstick bullet. Habitually marks notes with a kiss - romantic or jeering, who’s to know?

Hunting Knife → The olive handle is carved into cheery little florals that might lead you to believe this little beauty is decorative… [she’s real fellas!]

Additional skills:

Helloooo Nurse! Capable of handling bedside care of a patient in addition to the more glorious side of medicine - you’d be surprised at how many might believe delivering a warm blanket and apple sauce is below them. Or maybe you wouldn’t be. Whatever - calm in the face of those ailing, that’s the takeaway.

Librarian Junior Well read, all things considered. Able to organize records and texts with the DDC… though he rarely gets to… and is able to write in shorthand. Keeps personal and not so personal records of Salus happenings, for future reference.

Sharpshooter [wannabe] Handy enough with a rifle, believe it or not. Where’d he learn that?


<aside> <img src="/icons/chess-knight_purple.svg" alt="/icons/chess-knight_purple.svg" width="40px" /> DIG DEEPER ?

“And by the grace of something higher than myself, I remain. Through that grace, I have two options before me - to make It regret, or to make It rejoice. What do you think it will be?”

Extended Analysis [Appearance]

Extended Analysis [Personality]


<aside> <img src="/icons/chess-bishop_gray.svg" alt="/icons/chess-bishop_gray.svg" width="40px" /> HISTORY

[CW violence]


[A soft-spoken voice rings from the device.]

The following audio recording is taken directly from the subject, by the subject. Autobiographical, if you will. I will present to you the short of it first - I am no success story, nor a failed chapter. I see myself as more than this - [he hesitates to elaborate] body. Mind. Purpose. Where I have come from is less important than where I seem to have ended up; previously, it was Pax - now, it would seem it is Salus. I can be knocked down - but I will always come back.

<aside> <img src="/icons/chess-queen_lightgray.svg" alt="/icons/chess-queen_lightgray.svg" width="40px" /> HANDLER

Discord ID:

Preferred Name: Cybes!

Pronouns: Any

RP Style Preferences:

I function best with Lit/Semi Lit. I tend to get a bit wordy, but no need to fear, I never expect people to match length unless they’d like to. I can also HC, but I’m a bit slow on ideas, so having someone get the ball rolling is kind of necessary…. I’M SHY! Must mention that much. Approach me first and I will cry tears of joy I promise.


Will update as needed!

Fun fact:

It’s the same as whenever someone asks you for a joke, you instantly blank on all of them. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh [people say they are still thinking to do this day :( ]


<aside> <img src="/icons/chess-rook_yellow.svg" alt="/icons/chess-rook_yellow.svg" width="40px" /> RP SAMPLE

Fresh to the medical team of Salus, you were re-directed to an older man:

Dr.Steinbrand sits in his office quietly, drinking out of a hand-painted clay mug. Greying, black short and wavy hair. Bangs uneven and brushing across the bridge of his nose. Warm bronze skin, and a neatly kept beard. Alert as the pressurized doors open with a long, drawn-out hiss of air. He greets you with a hint of a smile, blue round-lensed glasses hiding the two different coloured eyes. The office, at first glance, is relatively orderly and clean, though at the desk organised chaos– behind stacks of paper and boxes, the man sits. His devices are to the side of the angular metal desk. Seemingly have been doing a sorting of some type.

Delicate and warmly, he speaks to you, H-how can I-I help you? almost as soft as the hiss of air from the doors, barely above a whisper though deep like that, of a low roar from the ocean waves. The Doctor places his mug down onto a coaster along with the papers he had been examining before you entered, on the surface of the desk. As you explain your circumstances, the man nods along. He begins to take a stand, a daunting figure, almost intimidating if it wasn’t for the way he carried himself. The broad man shrinks into himself as if, he were an anxious mouse skittering around.

“I s-see that sounds…aahm…difficult, yes. I am..happy to show you around. Perhaps, I could get y-your name first…” now that you listen carefully, he speaks with a heavy foreign accent, not to this area. But it seems he is eager to help you navigate your way through the medical bay for the first day on the shadowing job and all.

And then he realizes, “A-ah and rude of me a-as well, my name is Ehsan…or D-Dr. Steinbrand…” the timid giant awkwardly stumbles over himself, hoping he wasn’t rude.


Elijah had taken a liking to the occasional eccentrics he had met within the walls of Salus - charming, they were. Interesting, perhaps. He only hoped he could keep the streak going now, leading himself onwards to a new face. Or, rather, new to him - an important distinction.

He stands in the office quite passively, the occasional dragging glance across the jumbled details the only movement he allowed. “I am looking for… direction.” Is what he starts with, ever the one to skip around the point, that languid way of talking more of that of a slumbering cat than someone who was highly alert. That was a bit misleading, however, as Elijah took in details not unlike a sponge - mind like a trap. The man finishes his train of thought, tilting his head as he somewhat admires the coloring of the other’s eyes - how peculiar. He liked peculiar. “I have not received much of that, beyond the suggestion of coming to see you.”

He watches with mild interest as Dr. Steinbrand stands, stepping closer to a wall so as to not remain in the way - though this was also just a force of habit. His words are accented, quite noticeably, and Elijah makes note to think over where they may be from. Simply asking would defeat the bit of mystery the greying man was somewhat building around him. A funny creature, he would seem; so large, yet so small.

Dark eyes transfix onto the other, studying. He always had been told he had a staring problem, the occasional blink hardly a reprieve. “Elijah. Elijah Cline.”

The lilting mumble is easy to miss, just as many of his more subtle actions were. He comes away from the wall, the closed lipped tilt of his mouth almost a smile… before it is gone, and the corners of his eyes cease their upturn crinkle. He seems humored, despite his blankness of expression. Extremely so, though it was a sort of humored that left you believing that someone had made a joke that had somehow gone over your head - even if no one had said anything at all. A gloved hand, a formality more than a preference, extends itself to the doctor.

“The pleasure is mine, Dr. Steinbrand.”
